[AudioI] octo

Alberto Novello albynovello at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 20:31:25 AEST 2020

Hi I'm trying to develop an hardware for my laser show (www.jestern.com)
that I control with audio. Right now is based on bela (bela.io) but I'm
thinking of using Raspberry Pi because cheaper and has better quality in my
opinion (bela has some aliasing frequency that I owuld have to remove with
a bandpass filter). In particular I'm in need for a soundcard that has 5 or
more outputs, is DC coupled and 96Khz sample rate.
Is it possible to DC your output caps? Just bought one for testing
Yes one last thing can you send me the specs of the octo? I need the output
voltage and input to design the rescaling circuit.

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video snippets: *instagram* <https://www.instagram.com/_jestern_/>
av compositions: vimeo
site: jestern.com
shop: bandcamp <http://jestern.bandcamp.com>
audio: soundcloud <http://soundcloud.com/jestern>

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