[AudioI] Jacktrip-performance card

Dallas Hockley dallas at hockley.ca
Sun Feb 28 03:01:51 UTC 2021

Been having some really solid experiences with the Audio Injector cards (Stereo and Zero) with our band using the Jacktrip Virtual Studio device image, and adding in the .deb steps from GitHub.  Works quite well overall.

From what I’ve gathered, there’s no way to run a dynamic mic like a lapel mic or better into any of the cards without a direct-in box or something to get it to line levels.  Seems the electret doesn’t have enough voltage from what I’m reading.  

Basically, I’m wondering what it would take to add a dynamic mic in.  So you could plug a basic microphone into it directly, much like a USB sound interface. We’ve got some people using the Sabrent card with headphones and a lapel mic, and then some of us with some audio equipment using the stereo card or the zero card.  We are trying to keep the costs low for our members (it’s a community band). The latency on the Audio Injector cards is a great boost to the experience, but the microphone situation makes it pretty restrictive.  Then trying to design a case for the stereo card is… interesting.  With jacks on two adjacent sides. 

Has there been any thought to that sort of card?  The line in and out, plus a headphone and dynamic mic in.  Electret could still be optional for that voice-control scenario or basic input (not much gain control on that though).  I don’t know what additional circuitry it would need to put the amp on the microphone, or what that would do to costs (beyond the design and new fab layout etc).  Would that make it as expensive as a basic direct-in box?

Either way, it’s made it a lot more affordable and usable than the HiFi Berry setup.  Not sure if there’s any value in that added cost? 

Sorry for all the questions and such.  Fairly new to all of this.  

Best regards,

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