[AudioI] octo status?

michael baker michaelbbaker at gmail.com
Wed Dec 20 15:21:04 UTC 2023

Hi, has anyone successfully got a new octo setup working recently?
I'm stuck where a lot of other people seem to be- noise output on all

I've tried following all the fixes suggested in the various github issues
threads, older OSes and kernels, using the automatic .deb, then the manual
setup instructions, then 3rd party setup instructions. All stall out at
noise or without the octo recognized.

I think I read that the on-board clock signal is susceptible to
interference (Flatmax advising to make sure the gpio pins are well seated
in one of the threads)- is it possible there's a flaw in newer boards?

Maybe there are many happy new customers that of course don't bother
posting that everything went as expected, and I'm doing something wrong?

Are there plans to update the install instructions or .deb file?

Is there work or at least plans for work behind the scenes, or is the octo

I'm happy to spend some time troubleshooting, sending logs or whatever, if
someone can guide me. I was really excited about the potential of the octo.

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