This page will tell you how to do a full compilation of gtkiostream from the source code. This is useful if you need access to the various libraries or applications gtkIOStream produces. It is also useful if you want to develop with it. If you don't need a full compile, but only want access to test binaries, this email gives instructions on "light" compilation :

Lets begin ......

Get gtkIOStream sources :

git clone --depth=1

Install requirements :

sudo apt install libasound2-dev g++ libeigen3-dev libsox-dev autoconf\
 libtool libfftw3-dev pkgconf

Change directory :

cd gtkiostream/

Run the AutoConf script :


Configure :

./configure --disable-octave

Make (-j3 tells make how many threads to use to make - the more the faster make is, but the more resource hungry it is too!) :

make -j3 

install :

sudo make install

check things are where you expect them to be :

$ which CrossoverTester

$ which ALSACaptureSplitter

$ ls /usr/include/gtkIOStream

To uninstalle :

sudo make uninstall

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