[AudioI] Issues with Audio Injector Stereo and various versions of Raspberry Pi

Matt matt at audioinjector.net
Fri Feb 26 01:43:35 UTC 2021

I'm having a go at this. I can see that RaspbianOS has a new default 
alsa setup - they do tend to get very creative with audio in a 
non-robust fashion! When I look at alsamixer, I can see that they have 
setup an arbitrary sound card as the default - that will not work for us.

I start alsamixer from the command line, select the audio injector card 
by pressing "F6" and using the arrow keys.

I then enable the "Output Mixer HiFi" setting.

I then play and can hear the audio through the headphones.

Does this help you at all ?

Another way to do this is to use amixer like so :

amixer -Dhw:0 sset 'Output Mixer HiFi' on

Here is how I replicated this problem I saw ...

I have a Pi 4, with the latest "Raspberry Pi OS with desktop" v5.4, Jan 
11th 2021.

Wrote to an sdcard. created an empty file /boot/ssh.

Copy my key to the pi : ssh-copy-id pi at raspberrypi.local
ssh to the pi : ssh pi at raspberrypi.local

Following the manual setup method from here :


I didn't run rpi-update as it is a recent os.


Installed sox :

sudo apt install libsox-fmt-all sox

Got an audio file and converted it to wav :

wget https://ogg.jamendo.com/download/track/206407/ogg1/ -O audio.ogg

sox audio.ogg audio.wav

alsamixer # chose the non default soundcard and enabled the "output 
mixer hifi" control.

aplay audio.wav

now it works !

On 26/2/21 10:31 am, Terry O'Connor via People wrote:
> Hi guys
> I am have some serious issues with 3 stereo sound cards.  Now all 3 cards work when connected to a Raspberry Pi model 2B, no problems.
> However, when i attempt to use the same cards on a Raspberry 3B+ or a Raspberry Pi 4 or Pi 400 only one of the cards work. One of the cards is not event recognised when I issue the play -l command.  The second card is recognised and I can get audio to passthrough from input to output but audacity does not see any audio input when I have selected the stereo card as the input device.
> There is obviously something different between the Pi2 and the Pi 3B+ and Pi4 as it is only the hardware that is different.
> Any ideas as to why I am seeing the behaviour.  It is important that I get some resolution on this as I am with a group that is looking at using these cards with the Pi4 for a community radio OB unit project.
> Regards
> Terry O'Connor
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