[AudioI] free pins on top of Octo to add control

Alberto Novello albynovello at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 09:49:43 AEST 2020

HI Matt / Everyone,

Haven't received the Octo yet but I'm trying to gain some time to fix
another part of my prototype which concerns Pots and Buttons. From the
pictures the Octo seems to plug on top of all the pins of the Raspberry Pi
but also makes them available on top. I assume some are being used by the
Octo, so I would like to know which pins are then available to attach pots
and buttons?

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video snippets: *instagram* <https://www.instagram.com/_jestern_/>
av compositions: vimeo
site: jestern.com
shop: bandcamp <http://jestern.bandcamp.com>
audio: soundcloud <http://soundcloud.com/jestern>

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