[AudioI] AudioInjector no longer recognised by Pi.

Niklas Loynes niklasloynes at gmail.com
Sat Feb 20 14:11:35 UTC 2021

Dear ListServ,

I posted this issue to the flatmax Github, but thought I'd also share here,
in order to maximise the chance of figuring out what's wrong. To see the
pics of my audioinjector I uploaded, please see the github issue page at

Below is my original message:

Hi there.

I've been using the AudioInjector Stereo card for a while with my RPi3,
with the primary purpose of running a samplerbox instrument on it (
https://homspace.nl/samplerbox/SBabout.html). Back in May 2020 or so, I
managed to get it working and configured (which involved more effort than
just running the install instructions detailed on the github page, such as
configuring the default soundcard - but I can't quite remember what exactly
it involved).

Anyway, I didn't touch the samplerbox-pi for ages, and only last week
wanted to incorporate it into my setup again. However, despite making zero
changes to the configuration and not touching the thing for over half a
year, it stopped working. I wanted to start debugging it by simply getting
the pi to play a test wav file by simply running aplay test.wav, but this
results in an error message telling me no soundcard was found.

So, I thought I'd re-install samplerbox with a clean image - but the same
thing happened. Then I thought, perhaps I should test Raspbian / Raspberry
Pi OS - same issue. See below for examples:

pi at raspberrypi:~ $ aplay -l
aplay: device_list:272: no soundcards found...
pi at raspberrypi:~ $ alsamixer
cannot open mixer: No such file or directory
pi at raspberrypi:~ $ arecord -l
arecord: device_list:272: no soundcards found...

My config.txt looks as it should, with the on-board sound deactivated and
the audio injector overlay activated:

# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)

# Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver on top of the dispmanx display stack

# enable the AudioInjector.net sound card

So, my theory at this point is that perhaps something is damaged on the
AudioInjector hat itself? I took it off the Pi and placed it on top again,
to no avail. So, I'm attaching some photos of the board. Please note that
the imperfect alignment of the RCA jacks was how I received the audio
injector when I bought it (new!), and I absolutely didn't touch the Pi for
months, so I can't really see how anything could have been damaged.
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